In the unfortunate event that you lose a tooth or never had it to start with, there are options for replacement, including bridges or implants but dentures are often a starting point. At Nene dental centre, our dentures are made by the highly skilled dental technicians in our in-house lab.
Making a complete denture
A denture can replace one or several teeth (partial) or even those of the whole jaw (complete).
A denture can be done ‘express‘, in that it takes an hour or two to be ready or by the heat method, which usually takes a few days.
Also, when it is placed in the mouth immediately after an extraction, it is called an immediate denture.
Care of dentures
Dentures need to be cared for specially. They can also break. They must not be worn to sleep or during sports.
For a more permanent replacement, bridges and implants are the way to go.